Inter-cultural and interpersonal communication.
A search on Wikipedia suggested that the word, "inter", is a Latin prefix meaning between or within a group. Hence, interpersonal communication would suggest communication between people, while inter-cultural communication would refer specifically to communications between people with different cultures.
Interpersonal communication, is a simple , yet intricate topic to understand. Its focus, well, is just to ensure two or more people correctly interprets what the others are saying. However, a lot of people often misunderstood that interpersonal communication have various channels, and not just based on verbal language alone. Simple words and phrases such as "sorry", can cause various emotions to different people.
sorry(In a solemn, soft voice) would imply empathy, sorrow.
sorry...(as per normally said after a mistake) would imply regret
sorry!(stunned look with tears) would imply deep regret and unexpected incidents
sorry la!(loud and proud ) would imply unwillingness and as a jest to the to the person apologized to .
Note that in these few cases, "sorry" had varied meaning as it is now expressed with varied body gestures and tones, even though the word used are still the same.
Inter-cultural communication is similar to interpersonal communication, except that it is between two person or more people with different cultural backgrounds. Often, people do not understand the cultures and beliefs of the people they interact with, hence, a lot of quarrels or aggression often resulted due to misunderstanding of their actions or words.
In Singapore, we often address the middle aged women that we meet with as "aunties" However, in standard English context, "auntie" actually refers to the sister of our parents. Hence when a foreigner comes to Singapore and be greeted "auntie", she would most probably be thinking, that how, is she actually related to this person.
Another more prominent cultural communication is our very own hawker center culture. If you are ordering a Roti Prata and you told the seller that you want an egg prata and a plain prata, some of them will go "huh?", however, if you said" one kosong one egg!", the seller would understand immediately. Same to black tea and milk tea or black coffee, where " teh o, teh and kopi o" would make it more easily understood.